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    Key Reasons to Have a Website:

    • Visibility: With more and more consumers logging onto the Web to research products and services, if they are going to find your business, your business needs to be on the Web.
    • Reach: With a Web site, you are no longer limited to a customer base that is in physical proximity to your shop. Your place of business may be in California, but your customers can be in Japan.
    • Customer Service: When customers can log onto your Web site and easily find the information they want-when they want it-their satisfaction increases.
    • Competition: A professional looking Web site can level the playing field for smaller companies trying to compete against larger enterprises. It's also a way to stay in the game; even if people can't find you on the Web chances are they can find your competitors.
    • Credibility: When you can point customers, partners, even potential employees or investors to a Website, it tells them you are a serious business.

    The Digital Marketing landscape is more than just having the latest technology used to advertise our latest products. It's about the experiences that these technologies creates for our audience. From websites, Facebook Fan Pages to Google Mobile ad networks and the latest tweets for twitter, SimpleAds Philippines delivers digital marketing solutions that develop consumer awareness to our targeted audiences. SimpleAds Company Ltd. brings innovation in digital marketing from the Phillipines to the rest of the digital landscape.